Oh, this box of Belgian chocolates by Jean Neuhaus has been heavenly. So delicious. I over-indulged and now it's all gone. All those glorious pralines now resting inside of me. Maybe I should become a chocolatier. The dark chocolates in the box were 52%. Can you imagine biting into a 73% one??? One day I shall have to save up to by a box of those. Chocolate is so rich and the taste just warms you up. Can someone get an addiction to chocolate?
I need to buy some more I Love Lucy dvds. Not the sets. Those are expensive. I buy the 3 or 4 episode dvds from drugstores and swapmeets. I've been noticing that they're all the same dvds with the exact same episodes. No black and white ones. All I can do is wake up before 12 to watch the 2 daily showings.
I've been thinking of places to go over the break...how about: the planetarium in Santa Ana, the

Image from http://www.nataliedee.com/
| posted by gina, 11:35 PM
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