My brother made some wonderful Play-Doh figures the other day. They're so awesome! I ordered him the children's PETA kit. Do I dare to show him mine? I think not. This Dannon Orange Mango flavored yogurt is awful. Ugh, it tastes like dishsoap. The kind they use in cafeterias. Not the home kind. It tastes like the standard yellow dishsoap. Not that I've tried dishsoap, but you know what I mean...Just the scent. When I eat the yogurt, the scent of it in my mouth is similar to dishsoap. I guess this means that I'll be writing another letter for a product that I am dissatisfied with. I must be such a corporate nightmare...singing to others my distasteful opinions. When I have strong opinions, I shout them out. Dannon should be expecting my hand-written letter soon. Do not eat the Dannon yogurt that is flavored Orange Mango. DISGUSTING.

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