Deciding on a photographic style is very hard. I've been thinking about just keeping it simple. I like taking photographs that have only one subject or object. No busy backgrounds. I love the sky and its various hues. Maybe I should make the sky the backdrop in all of my photographs. Can you imagine taking potraits of people on the street with the sky in the background?? I'd have to kneel down.
Walgreens used to have this wonderful film deal. Now it's gone. I should have taken advantage

A good suggestion was made today for a photo project idea. Maybe I should document life in my neighborhood. Or Anaheim. No. Anaheim would be too much. It needs to be more specific. Maybe the homeless in Anaheim? That would be spectacular! I could meet new people. And at the same time I would help bring their situation and faces to attention. Though, I don't know how I would approach a homeless person merely to snap some photos. Maybe I could bring them some food at the same time. Yes. That would be nice.
Why can't people in China see Blogger? That's messed.
| posted by gina, 1:29 AM
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