Mis ceños y sonríes

I had a BLAST! I had so much fun last night! All that steak..ugh. Helen, you need deserve a medal. A big, fat, steak-shaped medal. I just wish that the night hadn't ended on such a bad note. I hope we can all put it in the past. Please. Okay? OK.
After waking up at 6:30 for the past few days, waking up at 8:00 was like...waking up at 1:00 during break. It was so refreshing. The weather is great and I applied for my pass to the art department so I can go practice my pottery anytime in the building! Even on weekends!
I bought a can of lychees today, and I got excited to eat them. Then I realized that we no longer have a can opener. HMPH. Maybe I should stab around the edges with a knife.
I lied. I don't have alot of friends. Just a few. A few good ones.
School is so much fun with you guys!
Last night was so fantastic! I laughed so hard. Just thinking about some of those survival tactics is making me laugh. I was in class today and I started thinking about them. And I laughed. A little.
| posted by gina, 12:08 PM


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