Mis ceños y sonríes

Update: Papa won! He gets the $75,000. Lawrence and I were cheering for him. It was great.

Rented some movies over the weekend. Lord of War, Just Like Heaven, Miss Congeniality 2, and Constantine. Lord of War definitely goes on my favorite list. I love the wit that's playfully inserted here and there. Great acting and well-written. It all comes together very well. Very interesting movie. You never get tired. Just a guy selling guns for a living. Nicolas Cage is never a disappointment. Now, I just need to watch Weatherman. Just Like Heaven was a sweet movie. A (chick?) flick worth watching. Miss Congeniality 2 was a whatever movie. It was enjoyable. Just like the first. Chuckles here and there. Nothing superb. But it was enjoyable. Constantine had great graphics. It was also an enjoyable movie. However, that does not mean I am placing it in the same category as MC2. nono. How do I explain this...I liked the movie. It was worth the rental fee. It wasn't the best, but it was a good movie. Since when did the cosmos decide to make weekends family movie night? Hm. Though, I must say...Lord of War: not a family movie.

Today Lawrence and I saw a Globe Trekker episode today where the crew went to China. Lawrence's unknown (until recently), obsession with China, the Chinese, and the Chinese language has been blossoming. So we watched the show and they roughly covered China by categorizing the show into sections. Sections like religion, food, history, culture, (medicine?) and some others I probably forgot. Food was a great topic. Well, no, not really. They eat those reptiles that I hate!! Ugh. Nightmares for at least a week. There was this one part where we both just said EWWWWWW really loud. They eat turtles. Lawrence then proceeded to get a little sad. "Why do they eat turtles? Turtles are nice pets." Yeah, like he's had a pet turtle before.

I cut my hair yesterday. Shoulder length. It brushes my shoulders. Just looking for a change. Changes are (usually) refreshing.

I should sleep now. We're going to the aquarium!! Pictures to come!

Helen, don't pull a Dick Cheney. Get it???
| posted by gina, 12:04 AM


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