Woke up this morning to go to Costa Mesa City Hall to take pictures of the protest. It was a new experience I must say. I enjoyed it thoroughly. Police blocked off nearby areas to park. So people parked quite far and walked to the Hall. As did I. I got some great images, and I also got some awesome ones. At one point during the protest, the leaders of the protest asked me to come give my two cents on the stage. ...I wouldn't have known what to say. Some people were hesitant to give me their names. I had previously written my photoblog address on a handful of business cards the night before. I passed them all out today and I ran out. So I ripped up some paper and handed out makeshift business cards. Today was an interesting day. I met different kinds of people. I had a short chat with a WWII veteran. Very determined man.

| posted by gina, 12:05 AM
Woke up this morning to go to Costa Mesa City Hall to take pictures of the protest. It was a new experience I must say. I enjoyed it thoroughly. Police blocked off nearby areas to park. So people parked quite far and walked to the Hall. As did I. I got some great images, and I also got some awesome ones. At one point during the protest, the leaders of the protest asked me to come give my two cents on the stage. ...I wouldn't have known what to say. Some people were hesitant to give me their names. I had previously written my photoblog address on a handful of business cards the night before. I passed them all out today and I ran out. So I ripped up some paper and handed out makeshift business cards. Today was an interesting day. I met different kinds of people. I had a short chat with a WWII veteran. Very determined man.

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