This sore throat is conquering me...slowly, but surely. My voice is almost gone. So sad. Unless you like to talk to girls with really deep voice.
| posted by gina, 10:30 AM

The panda cub can now be seen on the pandacam! Sometimes the mother panda plays with it and sometimes she grooms it and sometimes and she just leaves it alone. I think the cub is dreamingggggg! It's twitching! -_-
| posted by gina, 10:33 AM

Best commercials come during the soccer crazes.
Soccer and surfers
Canine rescue!
Pure Ronaldinho
Not the best...but pretty good beat
Public soccer fest
I'll post more. | posted by gina, 1:02 AM | 0 comments |
Soccer and surfers
Canine rescue!
Pure Ronaldinho
Not the best...but pretty good beat
Public soccer fest
I'll post more. | posted by gina, 1:02 AM | 0 comments |

I'm starting to gain a bit more respect for graffiti.
I just read Fadings.
Atalier has done some great work for clients. | posted by gina, 12:33 AM | 0 comments |
I just read Fadings.
Atalier has done some great work for clients. | posted by gina, 12:33 AM | 0 comments |

Bleeding heart liberal only sometimes.
I would never participate in an anti-capital punishment rally hours before an execution.
| posted by gina, 10:27 PM | 0 comments |
I would never participate in an anti-capital punishment rally hours before an execution.
| posted by gina, 10:27 PM | 0 comments |

I have this coin-sized blister on my pinky toe. It's really bursting with some kind of liquid. I want to pop it. But I don't. It feels so weird when I touch it. Choices, choices.
moving on...
Okay, okay. I can be a bleeding heart liberal. sometimes. Ok. Maybe a lot. | posted by gina, 12:07 AM | 0 comments |
moving on...
Okay, okay. I can be a bleeding heart liberal. sometimes. Ok. Maybe a lot. | posted by gina, 12:07 AM | 0 comments |

I just had to post this one again. It makes me go nuts! Too funny. Just too funny.
and to top it off...this picture is just great. It reminds me of all the fun we had that I can remember. Cheers!
| posted by gina, 1:57 AM

2 poems I'd like to share with you:
So I said I am Ezra
So I said I am Ezra
and the wind whipped my throat
gaming for the sounds of my voice
I listened to the wind
go over my head and up into the night
Turning to the sea I said
I am Ezra
but there were no echoes from the waves
The words were swallowed up
in the voice of the surf
or leaping over the swells
lost themselves oceanward
Over the bleached and broken fields
I moved my feet and turning from the wind
that ripped sheets of sand
from the beach and threw them
like seamists across the dunes
swayed as if the wind were taking me away
and said
I am Ezra
As a word too much repeated
falls out of being
so I Ezra went out into the night
like a drift of sand
and splashed among the windy oats
that clutch the dunes
of unremembered seas
I found a
that had a
mirror in it
and that
looked in at
a mirror
me that
had a
weed in it | posted by gina, 12:22 PM | 0 comments |
So I said I am Ezra
So I said I am Ezra
and the wind whipped my throat
gaming for the sounds of my voice
I listened to the wind
go over my head and up into the night
Turning to the sea I said
I am Ezra
but there were no echoes from the waves
The words were swallowed up
in the voice of the surf
or leaping over the swells
lost themselves oceanward
Over the bleached and broken fields
I moved my feet and turning from the wind
that ripped sheets of sand
from the beach and threw them
like seamists across the dunes
swayed as if the wind were taking me away
and said
I am Ezra
As a word too much repeated
falls out of being
so I Ezra went out into the night
like a drift of sand
and splashed among the windy oats
that clutch the dunes
of unremembered seas
I found a
that had a
mirror in it
and that
looked in at
a mirror
me that
had a
weed in it | posted by gina, 12:22 PM | 0 comments |

Note: not all true.
10 Things You Don't Know About Women
By Jenna Fischer
1. If we run into your ex-girlfriend in public, the first thing you should do is put your arm around us. And if we have to introduce ourselves, you are in big trouble.
2. When you tell us about a business lunch you had with a woman, it's a good idea to tell us that she's fat, ugly, old, or a lesbian. Preferably all of them.
3. PMS is real. It's chemical, and it sucks. If someone told you that every thirty days you were going to get jacked repeatedly in the nuts, you'd be pissy around day twenty-six, too.
4. When we say, "I don't feel connected," the only appropriate response is, "I feel it, too. Let's go out for a nice dinner and reconnect." Try it. You will get laid.
5. If you can locate the following items in our home—tape, casserole dish, Christmas ornaments—you will get laid.
6. If you act excited about the bath mat we bought at Target, you will get laid.
7. We really want to have kids. That is, until you want to have kids. Then: "Hey, slow down. What about my career? It's my body. I'm not just a depository for your sperm, you know. Fuck off. Wait, come back. I'm sorry about that. It's sweet you want to have kids. Let's talk about it in a year."
8. You know what's really gay? Football. Instead of watching it, just have sex with another dude once a year. Get it all out of your system at once.
9. We can make a "celebrity safe list" if you want. But I am way more likely to get Patrick Dempsey to fuck me in a bathroom than you are to get Lindsay Lohan to suck you off in your car.
10. Okay, wait. Maybe not Lindsay Lohan. But you know what I mean. | posted by gina, 1:33 AM | 0 comments |
10 Things You Don't Know About Women
By Jenna Fischer
1. If we run into your ex-girlfriend in public, the first thing you should do is put your arm around us. And if we have to introduce ourselves, you are in big trouble.
2. When you tell us about a business lunch you had with a woman, it's a good idea to tell us that she's fat, ugly, old, or a lesbian. Preferably all of them.
3. PMS is real. It's chemical, and it sucks. If someone told you that every thirty days you were going to get jacked repeatedly in the nuts, you'd be pissy around day twenty-six, too.
4. When we say, "I don't feel connected," the only appropriate response is, "I feel it, too. Let's go out for a nice dinner and reconnect." Try it. You will get laid.
5. If you can locate the following items in our home—tape, casserole dish, Christmas ornaments—you will get laid.
6. If you act excited about the bath mat we bought at Target, you will get laid.
7. We really want to have kids. That is, until you want to have kids. Then: "Hey, slow down. What about my career? It's my body. I'm not just a depository for your sperm, you know. Fuck off. Wait, come back. I'm sorry about that. It's sweet you want to have kids. Let's talk about it in a year."
8. You know what's really gay? Football. Instead of watching it, just have sex with another dude once a year. Get it all out of your system at once.
9. We can make a "celebrity safe list" if you want. But I am way more likely to get Patrick Dempsey to fuck me in a bathroom than you are to get Lindsay Lohan to suck you off in your car.
10. Okay, wait. Maybe not Lindsay Lohan. But you know what I mean. | posted by gina, 1:33 AM | 0 comments |

Remember that cuban druglord from Bad Boys II? He was great. Why doesn't Jordi Mollà have more roles in the U.S.? He played the perfect bad guy role.
There are only two types of guys for me. Nerds. and bad boys. Really bad. Like Jordi Mollà's character in the movie. Those who have a history of doing lines off the coffee table and have insurmountable financial stability due to past drug dealings. NO! I'm kidding! That's only in movies. He's actually from Spain I believe. Anyway, he's also that guy from Blow.
Ah~ my parents worry about me and my preferences in men. Too bad!
If my parents don't want me to study abroad, in South America, I'll just go to Spain. Any country that's spanish-speaking. Except for the U.S. Yea...I'll show them..I'll save up my own damn money. ten years. Oy vey.
Adoro a hombres más viejos. Apenas un poco más viejo. Un poco.
Uruguay, Venezuela, Peru, and Colombia. All the culture! | posted by gina, 12:00 AM | 1 comments |
There are only two types of guys for me. Nerds. and bad boys. Really bad. Like Jordi Mollà's character in the movie. Those who have a history of doing lines off the coffee table and have insurmountable financial stability due to past drug dealings. NO! I'm kidding! That's only in movies. He's actually from Spain I believe. Anyway, he's also that guy from Blow.
Ah~ my parents worry about me and my preferences in men. Too bad!
If my parents don't want me to study abroad, in South America, I'll just go to Spain. Any country that's spanish-speaking. Except for the U.S. Yea...I'll show them..I'll save up my own damn money. ten years. Oy vey.
Adoro a hombres más viejos. Apenas un poco más viejo. Un poco.
Uruguay, Venezuela, Peru, and Colombia. All the culture! | posted by gina, 12:00 AM | 1 comments |

| posted by gina, 11:46 PM

I just don't understand how one can be pro-life, anti-gay, anti-terrorism, pro-war, themselves goddamned christians. Where's the holy goodness? So strange. These people need to get their god-fearing asses off the pew and in the battlefield.
Anyway...have a laugh
Image from Cagle
| posted by gina, 11:02 PM
Anyway...have a laugh

Where are all the nerdy boys?
Anyway, I went to Borders and I was stopped dead in my tracks. Hayden Christensen on the cover of VMAn. Yeah, you should check that out.
ALSO! Go to Circuit City. They're having a 4.99 movie sale. Amazing.
Remember Photo Hunt? It's here. | posted by gina, 11:06 PM | 0 comments |
Anyway, I went to Borders and I was stopped dead in my tracks. Hayden Christensen on the cover of VMAn. Yeah, you should check that out.
ALSO! Go to Circuit City. They're having a 4.99 movie sale. Amazing.
Remember Photo Hunt? It's here. | posted by gina, 11:06 PM | 0 comments |

Krystel, I think that was the best. It was real good. I just wanted to say that before I sleep. Goodnight!
Also, mauve just looks superb! | posted by gina, 11:12 PM | 1 comments |
Also, mauve just looks superb! | posted by gina, 11:12 PM | 1 comments |

Yes, I would marry Alex Trebek.
| posted by gina, 7:42 PM