Paris and the Mayor V ran into eachother while at the Grammys.
Let's try to guess what they might have said. From one angeleno to another: ( Witty phrases taken from LA Observed)
Mayor V:
#10 - "Why, certainly I’ll come to your quinceanera."
#9 - "Yeah, they call me Hizzoner, but what the hell."
#8 - "Wait 'til Gavin Newsom sees this picture."
#7 - "What a coincidence! I'm not wearing underwear either!"
#6 - "I would really like to introduce you to my wife....I'm sure she would love to meet you."
#5 - "Have you ever thought of running for Los Angeles School Board?"
#4 - "This is way better than having that damn [Steve] Lopez all over me."
#3 - "Really, Paris. I am married. And, umm, I think you need to move your hand. A little to the… umm… right. Other right. Right… there."
#2 - "Make no mistake: that's hot."
#1 - "Si, se puede!"
#10 - "(giggle) You were hot in Stand and Deliver!"
#9 - "Ever since I was a little girl, I've dreamed of dating someone named Fernando."
(Mayor replies: "And ever since I was a little boy, I've dreamed of staying in a Hilton.")
#8 - "I like your ears, they are cute and cuddly like Dumbo."
#7 - "You're so adorable! You look just like my little Chihuahua!
(Mayor: "Well, as a matter of fact, I have a little bald-headed dog too. Would you like to meet him?")
#6 - "So, um, can you introduce me to Gavin Newsom?"
#5 - "Are you SURE there's nothing on the Ethics Commission? That Boyarsky dude rocks my world."
#4 - "My dad used to take us to Villa Ragosa when we where kids. Did you work there?"
#3 - "You're married to Melanie Griffith, right? That's hot."
#2 - "Is that the LAUSD plan in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?"
#1 - "Hi. I'm Paris. Who are you?"
For the full entry, go here. | posted by gina, 10:55 PM
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