Mis ceños y sonríes

A few people I know have been talking more and more about Colbert and his wit. And I too have become an admirer of him. He's popping up in the things that I see and read more and more.
This weeks TIME asks Colbert who the next person of the year should be. To which he responds, "Jesus Christ. Three reasons: 1) short but effective resume - "God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God"; 2) hes been on a lot of TIME covers; 3) he could be coming back any day now, and you do not want to be the guy who left him off the list. So him, or Steve Jobs. One reason: I want a free iPhone."
I think this post deserves some Colbert videos.

Colbert sounds like Owen Wilson when he's ranting about ice cream. Doesn't he?? He does sound like Owen Wilson.

| posted by gina, 1:42 AM


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