A few people I know have been talking more and more about Colbert and his wit. And I too have become an admirer of him. He's popping up in the things that I see and read more and more.
This weeks TIME asks Colbert who the next person of the year should be. To which he responds, "Jesus Christ. Three reasons: 1) short but effective resume - "God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God"; 2) hes been on a lot of TIME covers; 3) he could be coming back any day now, and you do not want to be the guy who left him off the list. So him, or Steve Jobs. One reason: I want a free iPhone."
I think this post deserves some Colbert videos.
Colbert sounds like Owen Wilson when he's ranting about ice cream. Doesn't he?? He does sound like Owen Wilson.
| posted by gina, 1:42 AM | 0 comments |
This weeks TIME asks Colbert who the next person of the year should be. To which he responds, "Jesus Christ. Three reasons: 1) short but effective resume - "God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God"; 2) hes been on a lot of TIME covers; 3) he could be coming back any day now, and you do not want to be the guy who left him off the list. So him, or Steve Jobs. One reason: I want a free iPhone."
I think this post deserves some Colbert videos.
Colbert sounds like Owen Wilson when he's ranting about ice cream. Doesn't he?? He does sound like Owen Wilson.
| posted by gina, 1:42 AM | 0 comments |

and I missed it. Voluntarily. Noooo! I think a few of my brain cells just exploded out of disgust. I had the ticket. But I didn't go. I didn't know that he was going to be there. I guess it was a surprise performance. It must have been like: "Consequence....FEATURING KANYE WEST!"
Labels: Kanye West
| posted by gina, 10:59 PM | 1 comments |
All my phone conversations are so awkward. My thoughts are so unorganized that I just spew information. And when it seems like the conversation is about to end..I think of something that I want to say. Thus, the conversation restarts. AHHHHHHHHHH. Why do I do this? I have so many thoughts in my mind that I want to say them all at once. And then...that's when I start to stutter. Terrible. I hate when I stutter. I hate it.
Labels: awkward
| posted by gina, 12:34 AM | 0 comments |
- eating cereal at night.
- eating loaves and slices.
- discussing mischievous endeavors.
- worrying over things that happened in the past.
- I worry like crazy. I think about every minor detail in a conversation. The slightest awkward moments stay in my mind forever. I get paranoid over things you may consider minor. My mind is on overdrive.
- breathing chocolate.
- but I don't know when I should.
- worrying about the past. | posted by gina, 2:42 AM | 1 comments |
- eating loaves and slices.
- discussing mischievous endeavors.
- worrying over things that happened in the past.
- I worry like crazy. I think about every minor detail in a conversation. The slightest awkward moments stay in my mind forever. I get paranoid over things you may consider minor. My mind is on overdrive.
- breathing chocolate.
- but I don't know when I should.
- worrying about the past. | posted by gina, 2:42 AM | 1 comments |

So he shall pass..
"Poverty is a relatively mild disease ... but uselessness will kill strong and weak souls alike."
— "God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater," 1965.
"We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be."
— "Mother Night," 1962
| posted by gina, 1:58 AM |
"Poverty is a relatively mild disease ... but uselessness will kill strong and weak souls alike."
— "God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater," 1965.
"We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be."
— "Mother Night," 1962
| posted by gina, 1:58 AM |

I uploaded my photo collection. Check it out. Comments/suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
| posted by gina, 3:07 AM

- will the internet become so taboo that we'll talk about it like this: "Remember that internet? Boy, I thought it would last."
- will we recommend to another the best cream for removing liver spots?
- we will have wrinkles.
- remember me.
- we will celebrate and splurge our IRAs.
- oxygen will be bought at our local grocery store.
- let's think about how we were young and could easily bend our joints.
- let's look at our old photos and laugh.
- make me tea.
- I'll buy you a rocking chair for your birthday.
- we can teach the future. | posted by gina, 1:47 PM | 0 comments |
- will we recommend to another the best cream for removing liver spots?
- we will have wrinkles.
- remember me.
- we will celebrate and splurge our IRAs.
- oxygen will be bought at our local grocery store.
- let's think about how we were young and could easily bend our joints.
- let's look at our old photos and laugh.
- make me tea.
- I'll buy you a rocking chair for your birthday.
- we can teach the future. | posted by gina, 1:47 PM | 0 comments |

If you burn me with a cigarette ever again..sheer madness shall ensue. Bastard. The burn is swelling with pus. Do it again and I shall pound you into the mantel of the earth.
I can't stop thinking about SD. I met some unforgettable people. Youwhatimean? When you meet people who are just so wonderful, but now you'll probably never meet them again. So sad. | posted by gina, 1:01 PM | 0 comments |
I can't stop thinking about SD. I met some unforgettable people. Youwhatimean? When you meet people who are just so wonderful, but now you'll probably never meet them again. So sad. | posted by gina, 1:01 PM | 0 comments |