[in no particular order]
- eating a DQ banana split blizzard
- having an absolutely wild and debaucherous night out with friends
- my mind is going to explode from all these thoughts in my mind. I need to worry less and stop over thinking.
- lighting another candle. It makes me scoff when my mother tells me to stop lighting candles because they're taking all the oxygen away, and I'll be dead the next morning.
- everyone's not single anymore! Of course, everyone to me is not alot. I don't have many friends. But it doesn't mean I need more. I love the ones I have.
- being rebellious. I always do.
- my fingers are going numb.
- a pig.
- I know everything a mile wide and an inch deep.
- a lazy ass bum when I wake up late.
- escaping to a foreign land. What an experience.
- spending money. Even though such a thing is nonexistant right now. | posted by gina, 1:56 AM | 1 comments |
- eating a DQ banana split blizzard
- having an absolutely wild and debaucherous night out with friends
- my mind is going to explode from all these thoughts in my mind. I need to worry less and stop over thinking.
- lighting another candle. It makes me scoff when my mother tells me to stop lighting candles because they're taking all the oxygen away, and I'll be dead the next morning.
- everyone's not single anymore! Of course, everyone to me is not alot. I don't have many friends. But it doesn't mean I need more. I love the ones I have.
- being rebellious. I always do.
- my fingers are going numb.
- a pig.
- I know everything a mile wide and an inch deep.
- a lazy ass bum when I wake up late.
- escaping to a foreign land. What an experience.
- spending money. Even though such a thing is nonexistant right now. | posted by gina, 1:56 AM | 1 comments |

"Oh I love you Jesus / But only as a friend. / You touched my heart but I hope / That's where the touchin' ends. / You're always lookin' over me / When I need a higher power. / But you better look at somethin' else / When I'm in the shower."
-latest Conan sketch
I think it's hilarious. The fact that some christian activists are getting angry at it is..making it more funny.
I bet there are some Conan fans amongst the activists that are going..."aw dammit. So I can't watch his shows anymore?" So sad. | posted by gina, 5:40 PM | 0 comments |
-latest Conan sketch
I think it's hilarious. The fact that some christian activists are getting angry at it is..making it more funny.
I bet there are some Conan fans amongst the activists that are going..."aw dammit. So I can't watch his shows anymore?" So sad. | posted by gina, 5:40 PM | 0 comments |

Whenever I go to the school library, I always head to the new arrivals section first. (In a sense, it's become kind of like my own little tradition I have with the school.) A year ago, I found a book by Matt Madden. A comic book. And it was great! I recommend reading his other titles too. Dark humor. Not for children.
The best thing about browsing the new arrivals section is that you get to see all the latest books for all genres. On one wall. It's so awesome! (Sometimes, you find little gems hidden in the shelves. Next thing you know, you're checking out a book about african tribal art.) Thus, you don't have to go to the first floor for advertising, then the second floor for art, third for comics, and fourth for homicide. The worst part: walking back to the parking lot with five books in my backpack and five in my hands.
When breaks come about, I head to the library on the last day of school. (We pay to go to school...so we must milk it for all its worth. Use your school's resources!) Last break, I borrowed some books about advertising, graffiti, logos, and homicide. This break!...well...I decided to raid the comic section. I checked out this book The Adventures of Tony Millionaire's Sock Monkey and it was a great! I've always been aware of this sock monkey character, but I never really knew what it was all about. It's just plain weird. Strange storylines. But strange like: "Wow. That's so ingenious. How the hell did he come up with this plot?"
The best thing about browsing the new arrivals section is that you get to see all the latest books for all genres. On one wall. It's so awesome! (Sometimes, you find little gems hidden in the shelves. Next thing you know, you're checking out a book about african tribal art.) Thus, you don't have to go to the first floor for advertising, then the second floor for art, third for comics, and fourth for homicide. The worst part: walking back to the parking lot with five books in my backpack and five in my hands.
When breaks come about, I head to the library on the last day of school. (We pay to go to school...so we must milk it for all its worth. Use your school's resources!) Last break, I borrowed some books about advertising, graffiti, logos, and homicide. This break!...well...I decided to raid the comic section. I checked out this book The Adventures of Tony Millionaire's Sock Monkey and it was a great! I've always been aware of this sock monkey character, but I never really knew what it was all about. It's just plain weird. Strange storylines. But strange like: "Wow. That's so ingenious. How the hell did he come up with this plot?"
I love the way the characters talk:
| posted by gina, 8:29 PM
| "I have heard a theory which states that
if one jumps as high as ever one can
and then upon reaching the apex of the jump, one jumps again,
flight occurs!"
if one jumps as high as ever one can
and then upon reaching the apex of the jump, one jumps again,
flight occurs!"
And this:
Leave off vexing me with your fantastical stories!"
Leave off vexing me with your fantastical stories!"
I also checked out Too Much Coffee Man's Amusing Musings. Such a great read. It was super! It actually made me laugh physically. Not just in my head.
Amazon editorial review:
Amazon editorial review:
Shannon Wheeler has forged ever forward, wrapping his acerbic signature character around numerous social, political, and philosophical subjects. From consumer culture to self-confidence to bad media, Too Much Coffee Man wades through the
underarm of human existence, centering on those habits we hate to love: liquor, cigarettes, ego, gambling, and, of course, caffeine.
Observe Too Much Coffee Man as he encounters reality programming, cognitive dissonance, waifish supermodels, infotainment, hot McDonalds' coffee, and haiku.
underarm of human existence, centering on those habits we hate to love: liquor, cigarettes, ego, gambling, and, of course, caffeine.
Observe Too Much Coffee Man as he encounters reality programming, cognitive dissonance, waifish supermodels, infotainment, hot McDonalds' coffee, and haiku.
I really enjoyed this book. I definitely recommend this one.

- to make a difference.
- to become more lady-like.
- to eat healthier.
- to realize the impact a group of people can have.
- shop less. If I had shopped less in 2006, I would have a few bills in my wallet right now..
I feel very indifferent to the new year this year. It happened very casually. Without any burst of excitement. Maybe y2k stole the thunder away from all potential new year's celebrations.
But, for sure, new things will be happening in 2007. The end of college, a new internship, and a commitment to Newspeak...for who knows how long. But I'm ready to dive deep!
It's all about people liking you for who you are. Cliche? I know. But it's so hard to be myself sometimes. And sometimes when I'm not myself, people like me more. I feel so limited. It must be my longing for acceptance...Screw that, bitch! I'm a rebel!
I can't let others affect the me I'm meant to become. Must..not..change...for..others.
Sometimes, I lie automatically. It just comes out, and while I'm lying I think to myself, "What are you doing?!?! Why did you do that???!?!!?" Yeah, that happens.
We just need to let ourselves go sometimes. Do whatever you want! If you're a big flirt, go ahead and flirt with that girl! If you want to wear revealing clothing, go ahead! If you're feeling a little low, go and get high! If I annoy you, just tell me! If you don't know the answer, just ask! The point is: I will not judge you. That's just who you are.
I don't like being shunned, and I'm sure you don't either.
| posted by gina, 9:18 PM
- to become more lady-like.
- to eat healthier.
- to realize the impact a group of people can have.
- shop less. If I had shopped less in 2006, I would have a few bills in my wallet right now..
I feel very indifferent to the new year this year. It happened very casually. Without any burst of excitement. Maybe y2k stole the thunder away from all potential new year's celebrations.
But, for sure, new things will be happening in 2007. The end of college, a new internship, and a commitment to Newspeak...for who knows how long. But I'm ready to dive deep!
It's all about people liking you for who you are. Cliche? I know. But it's so hard to be myself sometimes. And sometimes when I'm not myself, people like me more. I feel so limited. It must be my longing for acceptance...Screw that, bitch! I'm a rebel!
I can't let others affect the me I'm meant to become. Must..not..change...for..others.
Sometimes, I lie automatically. It just comes out, and while I'm lying I think to myself, "What are you doing?!?! Why did you do that???!?!!?" Yeah, that happens.
We just need to let ourselves go sometimes. Do whatever you want! If you're a big flirt, go ahead and flirt with that girl! If you want to wear revealing clothing, go ahead! If you're feeling a little low, go and get high! If I annoy you, just tell me! If you don't know the answer, just ask! The point is: I will not judge you. That's just who you are.
I don't like being shunned, and I'm sure you don't either.